
Understanding the ecological mechanisms driving early life history stages is fundamental to elucidate the processes that facilitate the replenishment of coral populations. This is particularly important in the context of the current degradation of coral reefs around the globe.

Our goal is to identify the key players (from organisms to molecules) influencing coral recruitment with the aim to aid reef recovery and sustain ecosystem resilience.

Our consortium runs different projects on coral reef ecology and restoration that touch upon various disciplines such as ecology, microbiology, genetic and metabolomics.


July 2024 | New paper in Royal Society Open Science demonstrates negative parental effects of macroalgae on coral recruitment... read more

July 2024 | New paper in MEPS highlights the importance of calcification by subcryptic and cryptic CCA... read more

July 2024 | European Coral Reef Symposium | ECRS 2024 | New presentations by CoralMates team at the ECRS 2024... read more

June 2024 | 16th scientific day of RFMF | Saint-Malo, France | Camille Vizon gives an oral presentation at the 16th scientific day of RFMF... read more

May 2024 | MECATUR field experiment launched ! | Manola and Manon have launched a field experiment aiming to... read more

April 2024 | Congratulations Dr. Chloé Pozas-schacre ! | Chloé successfully defended her PhD thesis on April 12th... read more

January 2024 | New paper in Harmful Algae demonstrates that the benthic cyanobacterium Anabaena sp.1 contains allelochemicals that negatively affect early life stages of corals... read more

December 2023 | Labex CORAIL Symposium: "Le Paris des Récifs" from December 12th to 15th 2023, Maison des Océans (Paris)... read more

June 2023 | New paper in Nature Communications reveals novel insights into the ecology of key bacterial symbionts of Pacific corals... read more

May 2023 | Congratulations Dr. Corentin Hochart! | Corentin successfully defended his PhD thesis on May 30th... read more

May 2023 | 15th scientific day of RFMF | Perpignan, France | Chloé Pozas-Schacre presents at the 15th scientific day of RFMF... read more

April 2023 | Investigating natural patterns of CCA-coral association | Clément Esclavy joined the CoralMates team to assess associations between coral recruits and crustose coralline algae... read more

April 2023 | New paper in Communications Earth and Environment shows that coralline algae are major secondary carbonate producers in the context of the ongoing climate crisis... read more

March 2023 | Finding bacteria that induce coral settlement | Cassandra Le Bélicard joined the CoralMates team to isolate CCA-associated bacteria and to test their ability to induce coral settlement... read more

October 2022 | Congratulations Chloé Pozas-schacre ! | Chloé named one of the 2022 Fondation L’Oreal-UNESCO French Young Talents... read more

September 2022 | New paper in Marine Ecology Progress Series shows that a moderate increase in sea urchin densities is unlikely to reduce the extent of macroalgal stands in Moorea back reefs... read more

July 2022 | International Coral Reef Symposium | ICRS2022 | Bremen, Germany | New presentations by CoralMates team at the 15th ICRS... read more

May 2022 | New paper in Marine Ecology Progress Series shows that coral larvae avoid benthic probing and settle less in response to high CO2... read more

April 2022 | Do algal secondary metabolites affect coral larvae? | Camille and Axel are running experiments with algal exudates and coral larvae... read more

February 2022 | New paper in Restoration Ecology shows that several innovative materials perform well as recruitment substrates for coral restoration... read more

November 2021 | World Science Day at CRIOBE | The CoralMates team introduces coralline algae to middle school pupils and the general public... read more

October 2021 | Spawning season 2021 up and running | The CoralMates team studies the importance of bacterial biofilm communities for coral settlement... read more

September 2021 | Genetic characterisation of crustose coralline algae | This month, the CoralMates team is collecting CCA specimens at several sites around the island of Moorea... read more

July 2021 | ICRS 2021 commences | The 14th International Coral Reef Symposium has opened its virtual doors... read more

July 2021 | New paper in Scientific Reports links coral larval settlement preferences with the microbiome and metabolome of crustose coralline algae... read more

April 2021 | Coral larvae on the move: Algal effects on larval swimming behaviour | Pierre-Louis Rault joined the CoralMates team to study the effects of algal exudates on the behaviour of coral larvae... read more

December 2020 | Chloé invited to talk about her PhD thesis on France Culture (French only)... read more

November 2020 | New paper in Coral Reefs shows that low-oxygen environments can negatively affect the early life stages of corals... read more

October 2020 | Acropora spawning took off at the CRIOBE station | The CoralMates team launched several experiments... read more

September 2020 New paper in Coral Reefs shows that not all species of crustose coralline algae are beneficial to young corals. Congrats to lead author Dr. Jorissen... read more

August 2020 Does distance from macroalgae matter to coral larvae? | Chloé and Hugo have launched an experiment to answer this exciting question... read more

July 2020 On-going experiments in the water and coral larvae | Chloé and Hugo have launched a second field experiment and are setting up coral larval behavioral tests... read more

June 2020 | Congratulations Dr. Hendrikje Jorissen! ǀ Hendrikje successfully defended her PhD thesis using videoconference on June 26th... read more

May 2020 | Wet again after 2-month pause due to COVID-19 | Chloé and Hugo who stayed at the CRIOBE station despite the COVID-19 can carry on fieldwork again... read more

March 2020 | ICRS 2020 postponed to 2021 due to COVID-19 | Session on coralline algae also postponed... read more

December 2019TURBOCORAIL field experiment launched! | Fabio returns home after a successful fieldtrip to Moorea manipulating sea urchin densities and experimenting with algal spores... read more

October 2019 | International Coral Reef Symposium | ICRS2020 | Bremen, Germany | Maggy is co-chairing a session at ICRS... read more


Grant no. ANR-18-CE02-0009